

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Justin Randall sues Ace Hardware Corporation for data breach

Federal Court
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Justin Randall has filed a class action lawsuit against Ace Hardware Corporation in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois, under case number 1:24-cv-03158, on April 19, 2024. The suit alleges that Ace Hardware was responsible for a data breach that led to unauthorized access and theft of consumers' personal information.
The plaintiff, represented by his counsel, claims that Ace Hardware's inadequate security systems allowed cybercriminals to infiltrate and exfiltrate sensitive personal identifiable information (PII) including names and Social Security numbers. The breach reportedly began on October 27, 2023, but Ace Hardware did not detect suspicious activity until two days later.
The complaint further states that Ace Hardware waited over five months before notifying state Attorneys General and many putative Class Members about the widespread Data Breach. It is alleged that at least 7,295 class members had their most sensitive personal information accessed, exfiltrated, and stolen causing them to suffer ascertainable losses.
Randall seeks judgment against Ace Hardware for negligence and inadequate cybersecurity measures which violated state and federal law. He also accuses the company of failing to adequately notify victims about the breach and obfuscating its nature.

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